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community health
This toolkit contains information and resources for Community Health Representatives and Educators. This includes tobacco cessation strategies, resources for implementing smoke-free policies, and complete toolkits for smoke-free environments.
Health professionals serving Native American communities can earn free CEUs online and help their clients quit commercial tobacco. This PDF contains links to free online training.
This toolkit will support tribal entities by providing guidance on how to assess their organization’s readiness for change, steps towards designing and implementing smoke-free policies, and example policies, implementation timelines, and letters to community members explaining the policy. This toolkit was developed for a broad range of community healthcare organizations and treatment facilities.
This all-inclusive toolkit profiles South Dakota tribes as it outlines the distinction between sacred and commercial tobacco use, shares best practices in commercial tobacco use prevention, provides a guide for assessing the current status of commercial tobacco policies within tribal communities, & more.
With telework becoming the new method of delivery for businesses and medical professionals, this toolkit will aid in Telehealth. To protect patients and medical staff during current pandemic, this guide will assist in methods of
communications and tobacco cessation.
This toolkit is designed for people 50 and over who are trying to quit smoking. This guide will provide aid, tips, and strategies for tobacco cessation.
In collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, Indian Health Services developed the SmokefreeTXT Program, a phone messaging tool, for American Indians and Alaska Natives in efforts to quit smoking. Individuals have the opportunity to enroll in a 6-8 week program for resources and daily support.