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The table below details 45 distinct national, New Mexico-, and Tribal-specific tobacco control resources. The table includes a brief summary of each organization, logo, and a link to learn more. You can also download this guide as a PDF here.
National Resources
The American Cancer Society website provides a model for a tobacco free workplace as well as the Quit Tobacco and Smoking Toolkit, a comprehensive toolkit with promotional messaging, activities that promote smoking cessation and policy enforcement strategies.
This website is home to the online version of American Lung Association – State and Legislated Action on Tobacco Issues (SLATI), which tracks state tobacco control laws, such as restrictions on smoking in public places and workplaces and tobacco taxes, on an ongoing basis. It is the only comprehensive and up-to-date summary of tobacco control laws in all 50 states and District of Columbia.
American Lung Association – Tobacco Cessation and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - A valuable resource providing materials and analyses exploring ACA provisions that address tobacco cessation and prevention.
American for Nonsmokers’ Rights is the leading national lobbying organization, dedicated to nonsmokers' rights, taking on the tobacco industry secondhand smoke, and preventing tobacco addiction among youth. The website provides information on establishing tobacco-free policies in a variety of settings as well as a comprehensive list of smoke free businesses.
Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD) is an organization of providers dedicated to the promotion of and increased access to evidence-based tobacco treatment. The website provides a variety of presentations and information regarding the Medicare benefit of tobacco counseling.
Behavioral Health and Wellness Program (BHWP), University of Colorado's mission to improve quality of life by facilitating evidence-based health behavior change for communities, organizations, and individuals. BHWP offers numerous trainings and resources to promote positive health behavior change through tobacco cessation, weight management, and policy-making, including the ATTUD accredited Rocky Mountain Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certification (RMTTS) Program.
CYAN is statewide organization dedicated to supporting youth and young adult tobacco prevention advocates and tobacco control agencies throughout California. The website provides resources such as a program specific material, educational materials, fact sheets, and suggested reading lists by the area.
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids are the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world. Through strategic communications and policy advocacy campaigns, they promote the adoption of proven solutions that are most effective at reducing tobacco use.
CDC Smoking & Health Resource Library is a searchable database that includes scientific, medical, technical, policy, behavioral, legal, and historical literature related to smoking and tobacco use and its effect on health. It presents lengthy abstracts of articles from medical and professional journals; books and book chapters; dissertations/ reports; conference proceeding and conference papers; government documents.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offers information about tobacco products, regulations, compliance, enforcement and training updates from the newsroom, public health education, scientific findings, and research.
Know the Risks offers information on the usage of e-cigarettes among young people according to the Surgeon General’s Reports. It offers resources to take action and risks associated.
The Legacy Tobacco Document Library contains more than 8 million documents (43+ million pages) created by major tobacco companies related to their advertising, manufacturing, marking, sales, and scientific research activities.
The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) serves as the national representative and advocate for state mental health agencies and supports effective stewardship of state mental health system. The website includes several policy and research reports concerning tobacco use in treatment setting as well as a toolkit, Tobacco Free Living in Psychiatric Settings.
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
NBHN is 1 of 8 CDC National Networks that ignite action to eliminate tobacco use and cancer disparities. NBHN serves as a resource hub for organizations, healthcare providers, and public health professional seeking to combat these disparities among individuals with mental illness and addictions.
National Behavioral Health
Network for Tobacco & Cancer
Control (NBHN)
National Council for Behavioral Health’s mission to advance their members ability to deliver integrated healthcare. The website provides information regarding tobacco cessation for people with mental illness and addictions.
The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC) at the University of California, San Francisco aims to increase smoking cessation rates and increase the number of health professionals who help smokers quit. The website provides recent publication, presentations, toolkits, and fact sheet.
SAMHSA-HRSA promotes the development of integrated primary and behavioral health services to better address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance use conditions. The website provides general resources, research, and articles, webinars, and policy information.
The Tobacco Control Evaluation Center (TCEC) at the University of California, Davis provides evaluation-related resources on evaluation plans, other evaluation issues, and on the development of evaluation tools to help projects produce effective and useful evaluations. TCEC also maintains a database of data collection instruments.
The Tobacco Recovery Resource Exchange was developed for behavioral health and addiction treatment organizations, the Tobacco Recovery Resource Exchange provides online training, manuals, and toolkits for integrating tobacco treatment and implementing tobacco free policies.
The Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium (TTAC provides individualized technical assistance, customized trainings, and variety of tools and products to help programs succeed in tobacco control efforts, TTAC is dedicated to assisting organizations in building and developing highly effective tobacco control programs, whether national, state, or community based.
Tobacco.org is a customized email news service and comprehensive websites on tobacco and smoking research, resources, news, and current events. The summaries include information on a variety of tobacco topics.
Truth Initiative is America’s largest non-profit public health organization dedicated to making tobacco use a thing of the past. They speak, seek and spread the truth about tobacco through education, tobacco-control research and policy studies, community activism and engagement, and innovation in tobacco dependence treatment.
The HUD website has resources to help one plan, implement, and build support for smoke-free policies for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and multifamily federally assisted properties.
Regional Resources
24/7 supports school administrators through the complete process of adopting and enforcing a tobacco-free policy at their school. The campaign is founded on the following six components that a school must have to create a tobacco-free environment: The 6 Cs, Commitment to a truly tobacco free environment, comprehensive tobacco free policy, communication, compliance and enforcement, cessation and support, and cultural competency.
Are you doing enough campaign supports those wanting to learn about how secondhand smoke affects children, and taking steps to make their home and care smoke free. It also shares information about getting help to quit smoking.
COSAP prevents the abuse of alcohol and other drugs through programs and practices that inform UNM students, faculty, and staff about the negative consequences of alcohol and other drugs, promote safe and moderate behaviors, and contest positive perceptions of alcohol and other drug abuse.
Evolvement is an initiative by Rescue, a behavior change marketing agency. Rescue works with government and nonprofit clients to implement Evolvement as part of comprehensive behavior change strategies. Specifically, Evolvement activates the power of local youth leaders to contribute meaningfully and tangibly to behavior change programs through policy change and/or health education, while providing leadership and skill building to youth members.
New Mexico Department of Health created a video that highlights reason why individuals should stop smoking for the sake of their own Native communities.
Kids for a Smoke Free Air Challenge, is a secondhand smoke awareness campaign for parents and families who may be exposing their children and others to unhealthy secondhand smoke in homes and cars.
NM ACT advocates for proven tobacco use prevention policies through statewide partnership to reduce disease and death from commercial tobacco abuse.
This presentation allows those interested to learn about best practice and benefits of a tobacco cessation health systems change. It also lists the steps and services provided by the New Mexico Health Systems Change and training and outreach program.
The NM TUPAC online training provides modules on treating nicotine dependence in New Mexico, family tobacco intervention for health care providers, addressing tobacco use in oral health settings, and addressing tobacco use in behavioral health settings.
No Minor Sale is an educational campaign working to reduce illegal tobacco sales to minors. This Initiative is implemented by concerned citizens and parents across New Mexico and by Evolvement, New Mexico’s largest statewide youth-led movement.
The New Mexico Department of Health provides 24/7 support for individuals trying to quit smoking. Their services also include providing personal quit plans, self help materials, unlimited sessions with a trained quit coach, gum, patches, or lozenges, and specialized services for youth and pregnant women.
Smoke-Free at Home NM is a collaboration between the American Lung Association in New Mexico and the New Mexico Department of Health, which seeks to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke in multiunit housing.
The premier rodeo company in Southwest – Casper Baca Rodeo Series has teamed up with the New Mexico Department of Health for a “Tobacco Free Rodeo” series. Casper Baca Rodeo encourages all contestants and spectators to pursue a tobacco free lifestyle.
Tribal Resources
AASTEC provides leadership, technical assistance, training, and resources to the 27 American Indian Tribes, Bands, Pueblos, and Nations within the IHS Administrative Area to promote community level changes that support health and wellness and prevent and manage type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke and their associated risk factors, such as commercial tobacco use, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet.
The American Indian Cancer Foundation supporting innovative, community-based interventions that engage Native population in the discovery of their own cancer best practices. AICAF strives to be a partner trusted by tribal and urban community members, leaders, health care providers and others working toward effective and sustainable cancer solutions.
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment provides resources for quitting tobacco, education, youth tobacco prevention, secondhand smoke, and prenatal smoking cessation.
The IHS Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP) program aims to improve health by enhancing preventive efforts at local, regional, and national levels. By developing and implementing effective health promotion and chronic disease prevention programs, HPDP can increase the health of individuals, families, and communities across Indian country.
The National Native Network is a public health resource that provides to decrease commercial tobacco and cancer health disparities among American Indian and Alaskan Native Tribes.
The Native CIRCLE is a resource center providing cancer and
non-cancer related materials to healthcare professionals and lay people involved in the education, care and treatment of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Smoke Free Signals is an online resource that provides commercial tobacco and secondhand smoke awareness tools to the 23 Tribes, Nations, and Pueblos across New Mexico. The resources provided arm Tribal Communities with the tools necessary to implement smoke free environments in an effort to improve the health and wellbeing of these communities.