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Request a FREE copy of the Smoke Free Signals Education Video Series HERE.

Video 1: Chemicals in Secondhand Smoke

Learn about the danger and chemical exposure to secondhand smoke. 

Video 2: Cost Savings

Learn about money saved vs. money lost due to the use of tobacco products.

Video 3: Tobacco Cessation & Resources

Learn some facts about quitting and resources to help quit smoking.

Video 4: Smokeless Tobacco

Learn about the danger of utilizing smokeless tobacco.

Video 5: Thirdhand Smoke

Learn about the danger of thirdhand smoke and how to protect your family. 

Video 6: Secondhand and Thirdhand

              smoke and pets

Learn about the danger of secondhand and thirdhand smoke exposure to pets.

Video 7: Reasons to Quit

Learn about the benefits of quitting commercial tobacco products. 

Video 8: Targeted Marketing

Learn how tobacco companies have targeted specific groups of people. 

Video 9: Predatory Marketing

Learn how tobacco companies target youth to use tobacco products.

Video 10: Tobacco Myths and Facts

Learn the myths and facts about commercial tobacco.

Video 11: Nicotine Addiction

Learn how nicotine addiction can affect your lungs, brain, and body.

Video 12: Nicotine Poisoning 

Learn about the danger of nicotine overdosing in adults and children. 

Video 13: What Are E-Cigarettes? 

Learn about the danger of e-cigarettes.

Video 14: Flavored Tobacco: Menthol

Learn how menthol is used as an ingredient to target youth and to mask the harshness of cigarette smoke.

Video 15: Flavored Tobacco

Learn how the ban of flavored tobacco cigarettes contributed to the increase use of hookahs and cigars.

Video 16: Secondhand Aerosol Exposure

Learn how secondhand aerosol exposure is dangerous to the lungs.

Video 17: Policy Change 101

Learn about how important it is to have commercial tobacco policies in your tribal community.

Video 18: Dee Johnson Clean indoor Air ACT

Learn how policy can protect people in the state of New Mexico.

protect loved ones?

Video 19: How Can You use policy to 

Learn how policy can protect your family and friends. 

Video 20: COVID-19, Smoking, and Vaping

Learn how smoking and vaping can put people at higher risk for a severe case of COVID-19.

Video 21: INSPIRE

Learn how to use the INSPIRE model to break down the step-by-step process to create policy in your community. 

Video 22: Smoking and Diabetes

Learn how smoking commercial tobacco can impact people with diabetes. 

Video 23: Commercial Tobacco is not traditional

Learn about the ceremonial use of traditional tobacco. 

from secondhand smoke

Video 24: How to protect our traditions 

Learn how traditional tobacco is used and protected by tribal community members.

Video 25: How to protect our Children 

from secondhand smoke

Learn how to keep your family safe from the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure. 

from secondhand smoke: Vehicles

Learn how to keep your vehicle safe from the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure. 

Video 26: Protect yourself and Loved ones

from secondhand smoke: homes

Learn how to keep your home safe from the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure. 

Video 27: Protect yourself and Loved ones

vapefree event

Learn the benefits of hosting smokefree and vapefree events in your community.

Video 28: why plan a smokefree & 

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