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Tribal Policies

Secondhand smoke protections through tribal policies support community health through tribal resolutions and other formal tribal government policies. These policies have the influence to make community-wide changes that reduce the impact of secondhand smoke.

This document includes a history of tribal smoke-free policy changes, benefits of implementing smoke-free policies, types of commercial tobacco control policy approaches, and steps and activities toward implementing a smoke-free policy.

This workbook is a comprehensive guide for achieving policy change specific to tribal communities. It outlines step-by-step procedures for writing, passing and enforcing tobacco-related policies. Specific sections include tribal workplaces, clinics, casinos, businesses, youth, and traditional tobacco usage.

This list from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Tobacco Control Alliance, and the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium. includes reasons why workplace tobacco-free policies are important. It includes a model tribal resolution.

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This article discusses the comprehensive smoke-free laws that have been effective at protecting non-smokers and reducing tobacco use, however have not been widely adopted by tribal government. 

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New Mexico policy that elaborates more about the additions to the Dee Johnson Clean Indoor Air Act, what it means for business owners, additional resources, and getting the help to quit smoking. 

This report intends to highlight tribally-based strategies developed over a 10-year period through the CDC's formerly funded national Tribal Support Centers and ClearWay Minnesota's Tribal Tobacco Education and Policy grant initiatives. Themes include: 

  • The Role of Tobacco Traditions in Indian Country

  • Reframing "Best Practices" from an Indian Point of View

  • Interventions that Empower all Generations

  • Honoring Relationships, Building Capacity with Partnerships


The Tobacco Use Sacred eGuide was designed to assist tribal communities and organization to identify resources, learn established best practices, and take action in implementing a comprehensive community based commercial tobacco prevention. 

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