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Tribal Policies
Secondhand smoke protections through tribal policies support community health through tribal resolutions and other formal tribal government policies. These policies have the influence to make community-wide changes that reduce the impact of secondhand smoke.
This workbook is a comprehensive guide for achieving policy change specific to tribal communities. It outlines step-by-step procedures for writing, passing and enforcing tobacco-related policies. Specific sections include tribal workplaces, clinics, casinos, businesses, youth, and traditional tobacco usage.
This report intends to highlight tribally-based strategies developed over a 10-year period through the CDC's formerly funded national Tribal Support Centers and ClearWay Minnesota's Tribal Tobacco Education and Policy grant initiatives. Themes include:
The Role of Tobacco Traditions in Indian Country
Reframing "Best Practices" from an Indian Point of View
Interventions that Empower all Generations
Honoring Relationships, Building Capacity with Partnerships